
By a2d2

Day 4: day of thinking

Today was similar to yesterday just without any stressful events. This picture is the room i have usually been in, whether i was on the computer, sitting in the massage chair, or just laying on the ground. But i definitely needed today, a day to be distracted. *below gets into my thoughts not necessarily daily events*

I finished my favorite show's third season (bbc sherlock) and i love how simple the idea of a tv show or a computer game is when it comes to distracting oneself from reality. I could dive into my memories from media class, a class where mr kennedy taught the subject but allowed us to do the interpreting. I loved the class. I wish to talk more on the subject because i simply love thinking, expressing my opinion, and talking to others about opinions.

Again, not going too into depth here since this is a blog on my life. I even find the point of a blog intriguing. I think i'll make a blog that will be secluded from facebook, one where it will be open to the internet, more open for others to respond and talk and congregate around random subjects. If anyone has suggestions where i can do something like that please let me know

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