These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Basement Basketball

Another fun day to jot down in the memory books! We are way too quickly approaching the end of our visit from Aunt Barb! Today, I had a meeting in the morning, so the kids had a blast playing video games, hide and seek, reading books, and playing basketball with Aunt Bub!

When i returned, we had lunch and quiet time and then we headed back out to the Fish Lake Trail for a brief walk. Tyler seems to be getting tired of visiting the Fish Lake trail. Me, on the other hand, love it and plan on going every day that the weather is nice!

The lake is still frozen so rock throwing is a favorite activity. Today, we actually ventured into the Fish Lake County Park and felt the iced over lake with our feet and our fingers. We were able to break off big chunks of ice from the edge and throw it onto the thicker ice and watch it shatter. It was very very cold, but exciting at the same time!

After all that excitement, we came home and got ready to go to a junior high basketball game to watch my cousin play. The boys did great and our team won! Tyler was thrilled.

After the game, we had company for dinner, played basketball in the basement, practiced our ballet moves, read stories and hit the sack. We also snuck in a couple of games of Blokus too!

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