Pink Allamanda.

During the cooler weather some flower really come into their own in my garden, and the pink Allamandas are looking just lovely now. But as things can change quickly in the garden here, I thought it best to get a photo now!

Today I spoke to someone who I had known when I was a teenager, who also had known my parents, and I knew his father. We had a very nice chat, and he asked after my parents.....strange, but afterwards I thought how wonderful it was to speak to someone who remembered my special people who are now long gone, just as I remembered his dad, who has been gone even longer than my parents. And our parents had known each other too.

A simple thing really, yet it has been a highlight to my day.

"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder.

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