Scent of Sweet Peas

Our first sweet peas.

Climbed up on the table to get a better shot of the early morning light turning them to glory, and had my first trauma of the day - the table tipped over, my mug of tea smashed, vase water everywhere, and camera went flying... but it was OK, thankfully.

Took daughter and baby to NCT reunion in Curdworth, and decided to walk along the canal while waiting. Second trauma of the day - saw a man coming towards me, looking dodgy, and realised how lonely it was - so legged it back to the road, heart thumping.

Picked up daughter and on return journey saw our egg place was back in business, so bought 60 eggs (for £4!), for them and us. Swerved round a cyclist, and third trauma - smashed all but 14 of them - have you ever tried cleaning raw egg in huge quantities from under car seats? Our car is going to stink...

But, oh the scent of those sweet peas!

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