Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Strike Night

Provocatively posting this to cries of protest that striking is not about having fun, or having a 'day off', but marching, demonstrating and shouting from the rooftops that public sector workers have been screwed over. And I totally agree.

However, I don't think that being able to put my feet up for a guilt free mid-week glass of wine is too much to ask, given that my job is largely a thankless task that is totally misunderstood by the general public, my profession and the people I work with are treated with disdain and contempt by central government, my pay has been repeatedly frozen below the rate of inflation and I've been threatened with redundancy.

More importantly though, these cuts effect the lowest paid workers, including women who unbelieveably still don't receive equal pay, and the vulnerable members of our communities who are having their support services slashed. Goodbye Sure Start, Youth Services, mental health support for children and young people, all those preventative services that give children the positive start in life they need so they don't end up having to be supervised by me.

So, happy strike night everyone, and as for what I'm doing tomorrow, that's nobody's business but mine ;-)

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