
By JimBob79

Never too young to learn....

From a Health & Safety angle my favourite quote in the bible is. "A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." Proverbs 22:3. This is the Health & Safety message I've been trying to get across to these youngsters this afternoon. I feel it's my duty to be a mentor to them. I even drove home, in 25 degrees, with my Hi Vis jacket on (sweating profusely) just so other drivers could see me (...) as safety comes first. (Ignore the fact I couldn't actually see the road through sweat on my eyes). The gloves were donned simply because no matter where you are never compromise on H&S. I was a little disappointed I didn't have my hard hat on all told. The little uns were also taught the following...

• A Safety Adviser is part of the team, be assured he or she isn’t always mean
• When the sun is glowing and frying your head find some shade and water instead.
• The shutdown finishing line is in site so keep incident free with all your might.
• If you give somebody a hand, make sure there is a glove on it.
• Use your brain. Avoid the Strain.
• Safety is the engine and you are the key that starts it.

You're very welcome kids....

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