A day of delightful calm

Decided to have a day off and enjoy being on holiday. So did not go to work!

Met two great friends for coffee. Sat in a sunny cafe garden and had a long long (rather helpful) chat.
Then wandered down to the Wednesday street market and bought the RSC plant of the centenium for my garden! Beautiful with purple flowers.....
Went to the library to get books about children dealing with grief/death ..and later read them with H. He asked to read the last page of one book twice. And then asked to keep the books. So probably helpful in his 6 year old mind...
Battled - successfully - with the leisure centre to negotiate Harry's move up to class 2 with his friend, Harry. And then had first lesson for the two boys in class 2. Which was a breeze as H wanted to prove himself, swimming like a little dolphin. :)
Finally, mowed the lawn...now, much easier, since removing three trees.

Feeling a bit more in equilibrium.

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