Opal Fruits - made to make your mouth water

Ok so they are Starbursts but if you are a similar age then you'll still know them as Opal Fruits

Today I've driven to Solihull and back to be with the rest of my team for a team building day.

There were sweets to be shared so I am sharing them with you.

I love to drive but rarely get an opportunity because of my London commute.

As I drive I look at the other drivers. I am after all a people watcher.

How can people drive when they sit so close to the steering wheel? I drive with my arms straight.

Surely it isn't safe to drive with one hand on the steering wheel and one on the outside of the car?

And why do people overtake driving just slightly faster than me and then pull in front of me so that I have to brake to create a safe breaking distance? Perfectly thoughtless.

Still I made it there and back safely.

Thank you to the organisers

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