
By WeeDragon

Another Sunset

Out with MT's help to get Mum's heavy shop and some messages for me.

Lunch out and a chat before dropping off at Mum's.

She was at the WGH today, a bit annoyed they allowed her home by herself after local anesthetic. Another pot of tea and chat, MT cut the last of rhubarb to take away. I stayed to make Mum scrambled eggs and toast for Mum and me ... and more tea.

Bus home with my shop, friends rabbits to bed, my shopping away.

Was going to Blip moon from bedroom, but she was hiding, so the sunset from my living-room again. It was amazing the colours, at one point behind the bridges it looked like the burning embers of a rolled up paper, fantastic to watch.

My bed now, exhausted, night night :-)

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