The Wild Wild West

By Beedoesthis


Wednesday is fast becoming my favourite day of the week. Because Wednesday is dance night. There's a class for an hour, then an interlude in the pub where dinner in the form of beer and pistachios is consumed, then back for a social dance-with-anyone.

Tonight dinner was even more carb heavy, as a burnt out lorry caused traffic jam gave me no time to grab anything beforehand so was starving by the time the intermission began. So crisps, pistachios, chips and beer were the special Wednesday meal. There were chives in the crisps, they're vegetables surely?

Then a bad thing happened. Two young men (we could barely agree to them wearing black or navy despite forty people having seen them) swiped the cash box from tonight's door. That's from all the people paying upfront for a months worth of classes, plus the social only. I left (this is becoming a habit, see last Monday) just as the police arrived.


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