
By Mimthing


Dave, Peg and Iris were in for a trim and manicure this evening.
Mick reckons he hasn't hand sheared for about 30 years, he was a joy to watch.
I now have three very light weight and hopefully happy -not necessarily impressed- sheep.

When we asked if he would come and shear our pets we forgot to agree a price!

"Oh just a bottle of wine"
"Don't be daft"
"No, that will do, I've quite enjoyed myself"

Mayhap more than just the one!

So nice to know that not every one is out to make money.*

And then some people are
Emma and I walked to Millington this morning and stopped off for a cup of tea and a coffee...*£4.00*.

We did 9.9 miles which equates to around 20.000 steps.
Might just sit down and sew tomorrow.

After lots of years living in Hong Kong and Singapore, Susie has come home today!!
Welcome back, can't wait to see you.

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