Castle Town

By castletown

Landraiders' Memorial, Aignish

One of three memorials in Lewis to commemorate the struggle for land in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This one, at Aignish, commemorates a battle between landraiders (who had occupied land) and the authorities on 9 January 1888. At that time, people were in dire need of land to raise crops and keep cattle and / or sheep. Many were displaced from elsewhere and were given a tiny patch, not enough to swing a cat. A request for more acreage fell on deaf ears, so the crofters took the law into their own hands. Other memorials stand at Gress (7 miles north of Stornoway) and Balallan (18 miles to the south).

It was a beautiful day in Lewis today, and there was not much wind. It did not really feel cold either. A welcome respite after a couple of overcast and windy days.

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