A Question To Ponder

Have you ever had one of those days when you simply don’t feel like taking a picture……at all, even though there are myriad things around which would make great subjects – flowers, cats, dogs, sunsets, etc.? It’s not easy facing that “wall” because if you don’t take and post a picture you’ll ruin your consecutive blipping record of (insert your number here – mine is 690) _____ pictures posted . Heavy thoughts indeed after a long day at work. So, as a diversion, I went to the market and bought the potatoes and onions you see here. Inspiration struck and I snapped the shutter. Potatoes and onions -- big deal you say. Well, a blip is a blip I say. Any subject is fair game and a desperation blip counts just as much as the well-planned blip.

However, stop for a moment and ponder an interesting question about the potatoes. Have you ever gone to the market after dark? If so, did you notice that the potatoes in the produce department are covered, usually with burlap or something like it. Why, you say?, Well, I asked once and here’s what I was told: If left uncovered, the skin on the potatoes, especially the thin skinned ones like Yukon Gold or white potatoes, will turn a harmless but fairly unattractive green color. Okay, I said. I mean, what do I know about potatoes, so how could I possibly challenge that? I didn’t and so for a fair number of years now I’ve asked myself what I should have asked then -- if the lights are still on in the market, and the produce department is inside the market, how in the !%%$#! do the potatoes know it’s nighttime?

If there’s any blipper out there who has experience with produce and potatoes in particular, please weigh in because I would love to know, and I'd be grateful to put the issue to rest.

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