Hemerocallis 'Joan Senior"
Yup, another daylily. Not that I want to be boring, but they are beautiful and in full bloom now. It’s a bit like the raspberry patch right now. We have buckets and buckets of berries, eating our fill, freezing, cooking, etc. Then it will be cherries, then plums. Being a gardener is about being very appreciative about the NOW. And daylilies are NOW around here.
This pretty blossom is ‘Joan Senior,” hybridized by K. Durio in 1977 after which it received several awards around the country. It’s another reblooming variety---are you sensing a trend here? It is ivory white with a pale yellow “watermark” and a light green throat. I picked it this evening for my daily photo because the light was failing me (didn’t have time earlier to take a photo) and this pretty flower just glowed in the dark.
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