
By asm929

Sleepy doggie

Again, time got away from me today. Our power was still out this morning, I went to work late so Mr M and I could figure out solutions to a few problems the power outage caused (he worked night shift and usually doesn't get home until 15 minutes or so after I leave for work). Then I went to the store to stock up on bottled water, and got him a sandwich to have for dinner. As soon as I got home, I loaded Riley up in the car and headed to my parents' home. My sister and I accompanied the parents to an open house at a senior living facility to see what it was about, how much it cost, what it offered. Very informative, the place is gorgeous, and now we start discussions about when will the folks be ready to take the plunge and start the process to move.

The blip is Riley, crashed in the back of the car while I drove home. We didn't get home until after midnight, but the good news is that the power came back on late in the afternoon.

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