Musée du Louvre

Back-blip number two of three.....

Another colleague joined us on the evening of our second day in Paris. I'd given them the full and enthusiastic brief on Blipfoto and persuaded them how good it would be to visit The Louvre. We went down town on the Metro at which point it started raining so, while capturing a few images, we decided to head for a restaurant with a view to coming back later. And, I'm so glad we did. It's an impressive sight even on a damp, dull, grey early evening but at night once illuminated it's pretty darn magical.

I'm not sure if I've enthused my colleagues about photography or bored them rigid; they're too polite to say. They were, however, getting their heads around the interaction between aperture, shutter speed and ISO with continued conversations on the subject for the rest of the trip(!).

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