What the .....

Week 2 of DDW's props challenge and picture #2 featuring a fork.

If you saw yesterday's picture and are now looking at this, you can probably see a theme developing I'm sure. Expect more plays on words for the rest of this week, and one eyedea might be particularly gross (the clue is in the spelling - you have been warned LG).

No work tomorrow. Can't express how good that feels. No work Monday either. Fantastic. I'm so looking forward to this coming weekend. Maybe only the 1 hour run planned for Sunday can spoil it. It's not the running that's the issue but the blister on my ankle that my new shoes have given me (yes dwalletta ... you were right). It bled when I ran last night and I dare say it will do the same again when I run on Friday and Sunday. How we suffer for our sport.

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