Idle Hands

It dawned on me today that I spend an inordinate amount of time waiting outside fashion boutiques, garden nurseries and antique emporia ... in the car. What do I do with the time? Well ... I read magazine articles, listen to the radio, twiddle my thumbs and shoot idle pictures of whatever presents itself. Right? Just occasionally during such ... er ... "shoots", I come up with something sort of interesting. Anyway I was fooling around with various apertures in the G12's macro setting (AS you do) calibrating depth of field (AS one does) when I suddenly realised that I have no idea what some of the buttons on the dash board are for. What on earth (for example) does "Text" mean??? I never saw a button like that on the last car.

I call this sort of blip a "Seinfeld" ... you know ... "the show about nothing?" Tomorrow the blip will be about SOMEthing. Promise. Hang on ... I left my mojo around here somewhere. Has anybody seen a second hand, slightly scuffed mojo. Watch out now! DON'T STEP ON IT!!!

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