
By Marietha

Last day before heading home again.

Must say this week was absolutely wonderful but (there is always a but) I think I could have done with another week - and another week........

The whole day we were wondering around and thought I have a wonderful blip photo - until we decided to go for a last Jacuzzi session at about 20h30. As we were walking down to the Main building we heard owls very near us. Next thing I realised that I decided to leave my camera in the apartment. My Hubby (only 4 months after his back operation) RAN back to fetch the camera and a torch (which R and Ch gave him when they still lived in Zambia). We searched and just as we think we are near enough, they decide to rather fly over our heads. AT Last we caught them sitting right above us. Oh man this was absolutely the highlight of the week for us!

What do I learn out of this lesson? NEVER be without your camera.

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