
..... this is the last time, you're going to the vets, Neo.

The vet phoned me at 8.20am this morning, to ask how Neo was, and said she'd like to see him again. I had decided not to take him back again, as I though he was doing ok. But as she said she wanted to see him, I thought I'd take him. The vet last week, who did the same thing didn't charge me, no such luck this time. But at least I know he's okay.

Busy day at work, lots of sunshine, but cold winds.

Best bit of today: - Finding out the rescue team from Sea World, had finally got a junior Humpback whale, that had been stranded for 36 hours, back out to sea.

Funniest bit today: Watching Sophia unravel the toilet roll, whilst I was in the shower. She really is a little minx.

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