Gitama's World

By Gitama

Pole Dancing

Flynns best friend Willow's mother a Pole Dancer.....I think she teaches him some moves every time he goes to visit 'cause he always gravitates to poles when he sees them.

I am happy with the printing I got done today of New Transportation and Party Popping Elephant...modified of course.
I had them printed on pearlescent metallic paper which have given them both a more dreamy look....they do look rather fabulous even if I do say so myself. I will blip them when framed.

It has been another big day and I doubt if I will get around to your journals again tonight....I was thinking of turning off the comments as I feel it would be the right thing to do...I really am not sure. Dont get me wrong I love to get you comments but feel a bit....ahhhh! bugger me I'm not sure what I feel.

“Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.”
― Rabindranath Tagore

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