
By tpd


Another beautiful day in Abernethy... why bother going on holiday? It's mid twenties, sunny, gently breeze.

I spent the morning sourcing some bits to finish off the bike for +1/3 which should have been simple but never is: the parts required to bleed or refill the hydraulic disk brakes: syringe, DOT4, tubing. Went to Richards first to get a chain and ask about a kit: very helpful and friendly as always but alas no servicing kit as the brakes were a bit too old. They did give me a syringe and wee adapter for free, extra kudos points for them.

So off to Halfords. DOT4: no problem. Tubing? No chance. Homebase? Nope. Maplin? Nope. Pets at Home? Yes. Note to future self: for small bore hose/tubing go to the place that stocks fish tanks.

Bike finished and good as new, +1/3 is chuffed to bits.

The ever gorgeous +1/2 enjoying the sunshine.

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