BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

Mono overload...

......So a splash of colour it is.

I now know how hard these shots are to create, getting a perfect crown is near impossible I've found out. Getting nice drops in various states isn't that hard but getting a drop to hit another on a rebound which makes great crown is so difficult to time.

With a shallow depth of field it proves to be difficult beyond belief to capture a pin sharp example. I'll blame my efforts on lack of decent equipment ;) but even more on my lack of patience.

I actually prefer this shot, but using most of my break at lunch (20minutes) to get a crown shot, I'm blinking well using one.

Anyone out there with suggestions to mastering this art? some tips would be greatly received although I'm not in any rush to get straight back at it anytime soon. It's almost certainly easier to create in 3D CGI.

I was supporting the Dutch in the World Cup after England's exit and with Froome out of the Tour De France, sport has let me down this week. Let's hope MotoGP delivers this weekend.


Mr Bo Hingles

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