Crawling for cover

This is an absolutely breathtaking bird, but só sly! I've been trying to take a pic of it for ages! It always hides behind foliage and then fly away só suddenly, I just cannot get the camera to focus on it!

When Lillian and I saw it this afternoon, I managed to capture this! It seems like it is crawling up in the tree, body flat against the bark, and then hiding behind the first foliage it can get! I've tried sóóó hard, but then the usual happened! It flew of só unexpectedly, I couldn't focus on it! I promise I'll get a good shot soon!!

Today was my first blipwalk for the week, for obvious reasons!! It was a fantastic project btw!! I've watched it right through to the end. Yikes, can't believe so many of us took part!! Brilliant!


Vérrrry late Edit:

Please check out my reply to MissU2's comment down in about the 8th position, these are absolutely magnificent birds!! A new challenge for me, for sure!!

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