The Wacky Races!!
It's been an eventful day.
First stop, the pharmacist to get something to help poor Semi-quaver who has come out in spots!
Next stop the doctor who thought it was an allergic reaction to something but didn't really know.
We headed for Rømø Island after that, crossing a very long causeway. We were amazed to find the dual carriageway which we were following turned a corner on to a beach with no apparent warning. I've never seen anything like it! The beach was huge and all the cars, campervans, motorhomes, bicycles drove over it. Mr Q was slightly anxious (3 and a half tonnes is a lot to dig out of the sand!) so we parked (!) at the back of the beach and walked to the water.
When we eventually got close to the sea, there were hundreds and hundreds of cars and people.
It was surprising.
We did have a most delicious Danish lunch - lots of fish in a platter and of course ice cream to follow for Semi.
We have come back to the same site as last night which is lovely and spacious and green.
Semi-quaver has had cucumber slices plastered to her legs but has recovered enough to be beating her Dad at swingball.
Thinking of heading North tomorrow to Ribes.
It's worth going large to see all the cars in the distance. It was difficult to show the sheer scale of this place.
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