Another beautiful day

An early-ish start today even though it was a day off for the wifeycle, saw us up the hill with the dogs, then zooming into town and home before the Green Deal Assessor arrived. The rest of the morning was spent answering his questions and showing him around the house.
After lunch (cake included) we collected Evie the Wonderdog from my folks and headed off to the shore for a wander. The dogs love it there. Sigyn the inquisitive finds there is lots to snuffle, Talisker the Bewildered enjoys watching the seals, and Evie the Wonderdog just loves going for walks wherever they are. We ambled slowly, stopping occasionally to hunt for groaty buckies in the sand. Today we found 14, a reasonable tally.
I liked the colours in the sea at Warbeth as we wandered back to the car. It has been another beautiful day.

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