I am complete.

For several years, 3 infact, there has been something missing in my life. I don't want this to come across as melodramatic or anything but this is how it is. Or how it has been.

This is me. The one and only HeartFreek with my Daughters. Daughter Number 1 (on the left) lives with Mr W and me. Daughter Number 2 lives with her father.

Daughter Number 2 and Mr W, sadly don't get on. I have learnt to come to terms with that, however much it hurts. Until tonight, DN2, Sophie, has not been to my house. The house I bought with Mr W nearly 3 years ago. I wont go into reasons why.

But I decided I needed closure on this pain. Sophie needs her Mummy. And this is the final part of the last chapter in my long, painful journey to happiness. I thought I was happy, but something was always niggling away at me.

Mr W is working away tonight. He knows shes coming. I told him this morning. It was via a text message but only because when he rang, he told me he couldn't stop. He just wanted to touch base so I knew he was ok. Then I sent the text. He sent a message back. It was short but sweet and loving. He wont talk about it but we had a lovely, loving, normal conversation on the phone this evening about everything else we normally talk about. He has acknowledged my pain. I wish I could understand his.

The last 5 years since my divorce has been a right tough old time. But am Happy now. I am complete. At last.

We've had Soph's favourite Rice noodles and stir fry prawns, the Railway Man on DVD, all in our PJ's with Millies Cookies and / or chocolate for later. I right proper girlie night in.

For anyone whos interested, my Baby Boy's Storey is here.

If your still here. Thank you for reading. xXx

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