Waterproofing the Gazebo....
I had to do this as the last time we were out with the Caravan Club it rained in, it took two cans of spray at £6.99p each, and they were just enough, none left over to second coat it either.
On the house front, the floor in the bathroom is down and the Toilet is ready to be fitted, we had to change the vanity unit as there was not enough room to get it in so we went back to a pedestal wash basin instead.
We will have to get a wall unit and a mirror or a mirrored wall unit, it was really hot and humid in the loo working.
I left Mrs BM here as some US dollars were being delivered today, got a good deal at $1.685 to the £1 free delivery and free commission. Ready for the trip to the Caribbean and Orlando in October, couldn't wait just in case the rate drops.
Off in the caravan tomorrow, to Bromyard in Hereford, to a lovely little site on top of the hill overlooking the town, it's a pity the town clock was broken last time we were there lets hope it's been fixed.
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