Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

These are my best friends these hot sunny days. Today we had 29 degrees celsius and yesterday was about that too. Since I'm fair and freckled and a bit of a red head, I need to marinate myself in sun lotion to avoid looking like a boiled lobster. And so, until the scientists have come up with a solution that makes one just marinate once during a longer period of time, my daily routine now includes the use of these several times a day. It gets greasy and so… but I have no choice.

On the plus side: I've started jogging again. Not as much as for 2 months ago and with a support around the foot that isn't fully healed yet, but jogging… that's just wonderful and the joy I feel when I jog is difficult to describe! Today my foot protested, because I jogged too much, and I limped the last bit home, but it is now rested and not worse then before. :) I also do the squat circle challenge and learning some belly dancing moves every day, so I must say I feel rather good right now. :)

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