
By dorrit

So Always Look For............

The silver lining, la la la la la. O.K., so I don't remember the words! I remember the advice. And here is the silver lining - isn't it nice when you work all the time and seldom get to go outside before dark, that you have only a few pictures that you have to wade through to choose the one you want to blip? Sometimes during the summer I have a hundred pictures I have to look at. And sometimes I even have twenty or thirty that I like so it is very hard. Winter makes it easy! There you go...the silver lining!

Today I was mixing paint for a customer at fifteen minutes before closing time. I went to the desk to get the invoice book, glanced outside and saw this. I grabbed my camera, ran across the street, snapped four pictures and ran back in to get the paint off the shaker. The gentleman looked at me and asked me where i went I told him I absolutely had to take a picture of the sky (well, four, if you must know) First he looked at me as though I were crazy (go figure) and then he went to the window to look out and said, "Wow, that is really beautiful!" Don't tell him but the real silvery beauty had already dimmed!
Have a wonderful weekend!

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