I Call Her Lamby

Mum has been my little lamb (niece) since she was very small, and here she is with her 6th little lamb of her own! Today I found a little card she sent me in 2004, just before her first little lamb (pictured in yesterday's blip) was born. She wrote: "It is interesting preparing for D. I am just marveling that God is putting this creation in my care." "It is so hard for me to grasp that our lives are but a blink in the span of eternity. But I am content to let God work it all out. (Like I have a choice)"

So well said, Lamby, and I am still marveling, and still as content as I'm able to be. Longing to hold you again, even though you're grown, and looking forward to every moment we are given together....always with the hope of eternity.

I miss you & I love you,
Aunt Annie

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