
By rubyjones

Beautiful distraction.

I went over on my ankle coming down the stairs this morning. Fucking John Lewis were delivering something to one of the flats upstairs and had left a trolley and miles of bubble wrap trailing down the stairs. I trod awkwardly to avoid the trolley/bubble wrap combo and woof! I went over. By fuck it hurt, I had a mini cry then sat on the front step to see If I could walk. No chance. But then I saw a beautiful blue haired woman and immediately asked: Can I take your shot please? She must have thought I was a loon, hopping, half crying and trying to be obsequious all at the same time. I couldn't find my camera in my distress but took a shot on my iPhone instead, I'm a bit fucked off with myself now, as I found it afterwards and she deserved a decent camera. While taking her pic, I forgot all about my ankle. But now ......aaaarrrrggghh!

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