More wine, more BLIPPERS = Unsociable Mollycollie

Today Harebrain& her husband came to see us. That involved a lot of drinking wine on our very sunny sun terrace.

'Harebrain' brought me loads of treats. I got a ‘marrow bone thing’ & some ‘bacon rashers’. Well…………………. the marrow bone thing was soooooooooooo scrummy, yummy that I didn’t want to go out onto the sun terrace with the humans.

I spent the whole time 'Harebrain' was here, lying on the rug in the living room eating it.

………….But then Ann said, ‘Molly, come here. Blip time.’

So I jumped up on the chair next to 'Harebrain' and her husband.

Sorry BLIPPERS if you’re getting a bit fed up of our ‘wine on the sun terrace blips’ – but we like to record our life.

……………….And our life at the moment, is drinking wine in the sunshine with friends.

Well it’s Ann’s life at the moment. My life is pretty much the same as it always is.


PS – I’m getting ‘extra walk’ tonight to go looking for the sunset. It’s a beautiful evening.

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