The Geeky Christian

By s90man

Into Cambridge

Yes we finally made it in! The weather wasn't great but it wasn't terrible and after our dummy run yesterday we got to where we wanted to park straight away. We were struck as soon as we got out of the car park by the number of cyclists, it's pretty insane...

We headed straight for King's College (wading through many other tourists and dodging said cyclists!) and had a good explore. The chapel is really a pretty amazing place - this shot can't capture the sheer scale of it, it hits you as soon as you enter. It's not technically bigger than places like Canterbury Cathedral I don't think, but the way they've done the architecture makes it feel especially immense. And the size of these windows, each and every one of them intact after 500 years! It was an experience, especially after watching numerous services in here at Christmas - the painting at the end of the chapel was even open for us!

After this (and a quick McDonald's!) we went to the Fitzwilliam Museum for a bit - we couldn't do even a quarter of it but we saw the part we really wanted to see, the Egypt exhibit. It definitely didn't disappoint! The museum itself is impressive as well, amazing architecture. And we even managed to get out of Cambridge before rush hour.

We've had a great concluding day to our holiday, couldn't have asked for more in one day really!

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