I walked the line!

Have spent all day sitting at this godforsaken computer & phone fighting with these numpties at talk talk (an oxymoron of a name if ever I heard one!) Having taken to airing their dirty laundry over Twitter for the past three days, I thought I was getting somewhere when they started direct messaging me!! Today they said they would get their technical manager to phone so I gave them the time and waited and waited and then some! Finally the phone rang but lo! no one on the other end. This went on for 4 calls each time I answered nothing, nada silence only the fast beat of my overworked wee heart could I hear!
Got back on Twitter & face book then got a text from someone called Abbie again telling me that as I didn't answer their calls they were automatically presuming my problem was fixed!
After recovering from my fit of apoplexy, I got back on twitter, Facebook and God knows whatever else public forum I could find!
Then the lovely Abbie messaged me again asking for my details. I had already given her my name , address, phone number, bra & knicker size...what more did she bloody want! She then said she knew i was getting frustrated(I was Fecking frustrated three days ago) I retorted "frustrated, do you know what grrr means I didn't bother to check but my predictive text had actually written Greer!! The bold lady came back to me telling me Greer was a city in Arizona!!! Honestly! she can't retain my own details but she can tell me bloody Greer is in bloody Arizona!! You couldn't make this stuff up!
That was the last straw so I got onto the Dark side BT! and shamedly had to sign up with them this was about 6pm. At 7pm some plonker from talk talk phones back to say he was about to check our line but it appears we have moved to another supplier!!! therefore he could no longer deal with us! At this point I threw all my technical gizmo toys out my pram and rolled about on the floor!! I now find myself in limbo putting up with he feckless talk talk until BT send me a router thing which won't be till mid July!
Im done with internet, gizmos etc and going back to pen & paper as this is not good for my blood pressure. I bet once our new internet develops a fault I will probably end up back talking to flaming Kuldeep in Bangalore!!
(lies down in a darkened room)

I give up!!

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