
By HF1


Thank you for all the supportive comments yesterday. It really helps.

Work today which I was grateful for to take my mind off other things as there's lots to do for the end of term and in beginning to prepare for next year.

My other thoughts are on Bertie as we have been forced to make a very sad decision in connection with the rescue centre. although he has settled in his own way he continues to have lots of problems which won't improve as far as we can tell. His brain injuries mean that he only operates at a basic level and he doesn't respond in normal ways - stroking him is like stroking a teddy bear - no response only growls. He likes playing with his fit-ball for food but a part from that he is completely empty. the centre couldn't have him microchipped or vaccinated because of his adverse reaction to the vet. So we feel helpless - he can't be picked up and will not take a collar . Hence we have made the awful decision to take him back to the centre- we feel awful but there is nothing we can do with a cat we can't control. They knew he was a very difficult placement so they understand completely but we feel bad about it.

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