Sparkey, you fool!

Sparkey managed to make a new mistake this time. When we went to Silverstone to watch the F1 on Sunday he came up with the bright idea to put the lenses we wouldn't need, my flash, our iPads and any other valuables we wouldn't need in his suitcase, put this padlock on the case and leave the case at the hotel. Sounds like a fine plan right?

This is where thinks went a bit wrong, it turns out his valuables included his bunch of keys, you know house key, car key, key for the padlock. So we found ourselves in a bit of a catch 22 situation on Monday when we needed the keys to get into the bag, but the keys were in the bag. {double facepalm}

We had to stop at Homebase to pick up a set of snips to cut the padlock (which for obvious reasons isn't designed to be cut) so I could get my stuff back and Sparkey could get into his house.

To quote a wise woman (my mum when I told her what he'd done) "what a prat!"

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