Cute nephew number 3 ....
Three being the order in which arrived as a human from the host carrier .... That would be Moonie his mum. Isn't he gorgeous !!! I think he is ... This is Ollie and he lives in Australia normally and it's the first time we have met him ... He is really really funny .. I actually wanted to keep him.The family are moving back to England in a couple of years when Ollie goes to school,I wish they were coming back now,I would happily look after this little one along with Nephews 1,2 and Jake the grandson ....
It's 12.30 and I just threw DDLC,Fish,wiggy and Tits out .. We had an 'e numbers' party and are all falling into a diabetic coma .... I have heartburn and feel really rather ill... That's what happens when you eat your body weight in sugar.Bloody good night though .....
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