Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon


Arranging all of the logistics of airport meetings, late night transportation, hotels, planes, and taxis for 8 people back to Cuenca sapped my strength and sanity because by late afternoon I'm loopy and goofy as a fool from so much damn introducing!

We are all here now. A big brand new family for the next several months. We are Arthur, Bonnie, Hannah, Jessie, Intefada, Ryan, Seth, Sierra, and me. Gonna be good. I can already tell. They are a strong group, full of all sorts of potential and positive energy. We wandered into Cuenca for dinner but it is Sunday and almost nothing is open. The usually bustling cobblestones are as empty and forlorn as a ghost town at high noon. In the heart of the city under the great cathedral we stopped and people watched, split up and grabbed ice cream, perambulated the plaza, and finally found a spot for dinner nearby.

This is Ryan. I like this kid already. I dared Hannah and him to try the marshmallow-goo cones the street vendors sell in the center. I can't quite remember what they call the stuff in espanol but it fits best somewhere between tapioca pudding and Aunt Mareen's marshmallow casserole dessert. In other words it's so weird you gotta give it a try.

Ryan hit motherload. Double dog dare you.

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