Blowing in the Wind

I still have a few Soleil d'Or's out in flower and they were dancing in the wind as I was trying to get a shot of them. We have been so lucky here in Christchurch not to get the heavy rain and flooding like up North. What rain we have had has been at night but we have had some strong cold winds. Here is a news link to strong gales and torrential rain that has hit the North Island.

The Daffodil Dance

Early one spring,
purely by chance,
I happened to witness
the daffodils dance.

They stopped as I neared them,
and stole me a glance,
But soon carried on
with their daffodil dance.

In bright yellow tophats
and splendid green pants,
They all knew the steps
of the daffodil dance.

A fancy fandango
with hints of romance –
A whimsical, wonderful
daffodil dance!

In all the years since,
I’ve met many fine plants,
But none dance as well
as the daffodils dance.

by Debbie Diesen

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