Day Trippers

A hat trick, 3 images from our day tripping today.
The first is the waterwheel at GinGin we stopped off there to give Milo a run we crossed the bridge then let him run.
We drove on then for our picnic lunch in Bindoon, again Milo took off and and enjoyed another good run, we stopped at the bowling club where the locals stopped for a chat before they went off for their game, they were playing a friendly round against the GinGin team, a friendly bunch of local yokels, they had some beautiful roses blooming there.
On the way home we drove through the Chittering valley, they have had quite a drop of rain recently, this road was flooded, the sky was beautiful the birds were singing! It's been a wonderful relaxing day.
Milo thinks so too, he is fast asleep at our feet!

Find Wally, it's in there somewhere!!

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