Night Visitor

Not a great photo, but it did capture what I was after - the hedgehog that came crashing through the garden last night. It's under the little slide. We had been sitting in the twilight relaxing and soaking up the smells in the garden when the noises started - it was like a dog or boar pushing it's way through the undergrowth. It was of course Mrs Tiggy Winkle here. It came right across the lawn and had a good luck at us before wandering away. I didn't want to get too close and scare it so used the camera phone from where I was. It was SO noisy! We've had hedgehogs visit before, but not for a couple of summers now. Wonder if it is the same one and where its home is. The night was then rounded off very nicely later when twilight fell, the honeysuckle began to fill the night air with its scent and bats started fluttering around. Lovely.

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