but which are they of this large family? Pieris rapae or Pieris napi or even brassica.
We found many of the white butterflies on the flowers in the garden of the Rathaus, where Piet Hein and I had a quiet rest for a moment.
Our intention had been to have a quiet day but knowing how much still has to be done before the garage (without a car) would be cleared as we want it.
A walk to the town, a short tour around the white houses, a view of the river and then uphill again.
The swallow tail butterfly had not returned and this does not surprise me, I think she loves very warm weather with her big wings.

My haiku:

Bright light turns into
Soft light and from there we see
It silently dim

And the proverb:

To see or show the lions.

(= the sights worth seeing, from the practice of taking visitors to see the lions which used to be kept in front of the present entrance of the Tower of London)

1590 in Greene, Wks.

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