The Light That Your Shine Can Be Seen

I've never been much of a gardener.

The results of my care and attention of Monica I, II and III have been well documented on here.

This year, I went bonkers on the seedlings. Spurred on by My Blip Life, I planted seeds everywhere. When I say "everywhere", I mean, in pots all over the garden. I even bought six bags of new compost.

Sweet peas, Poppies, and "other things".

Himself had brought me packets of seeds back from Switzerland a year ago ... I forgot about them, but this is they which you see here.

As you can see, there are multiple Poppies, and Yellow things, and Orange things. I wanted Cornflowers. Maybe I should have planted cornflowers?

However, I am very delighted with my display of green at the back and overwhelmed with the pretty colours coming through... I am feeling very Percy Thrower. My Sweetpeas are almost three foot tall now and I even bought 2 frames for their support.

I really got to stop watching Alan Titmarsh, cause am thinking that maybe I need a "garden house" for where I can sit in and ponder life and other things.

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