Tongue practise

To try and encourage William to feed better we are doing tongue exercises! Yes you did read that right. It's a very fun game and results in good blips.

Fun but very busy day.

Took the children (and auntie Sarah) to the Upton triathlon, also linked in was the school fete. She walked pretty much the whole time, or rode on the frame of the travel system (buggy board saga is slowly resolving itself) only asking for a carry towards the car as we left. Disappointing amount of totty in Lycra though, race didn't start till one. Home via the Golden Arches, Charlotte fell asleep. Woke up once home asking for her food.

Tried for nap after lunch but mission aborted. Went instead to the pub fun day. Charlotte spent the majority of her time there bouncing on the bouncy castle. We walked round to auntie Katie's house after a while, had a playdate for about thirty minutes then took tired girl home.

Tired girl had her tea, hungry boy had milk. Both children bathed by 6:15, both children asleep by 6:40! We haven't known what to do with ourselves tonight. Fingers crossed this doesn't backfire in the morning though.

In other news, looks like the mastitis has flared up again even though I am still on the antibiotics! Should have twigged when William was getting in a pickle trying to feed from me. Keeping v close eye on it but may be back to the doctors Monday. Deep joy.

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