
By hgpayne

Transportation, Old and New

We drove up to Julian today in our Nissan LEAF. Using the LEAF router, it said it would use 7/12 of my power to make it up the hill, but when I got back home, it would still be at 5/12 remaining -- meaning coming back down the hill generated as much power as it used. That's not the way it worked out. I didn't use even half my power making it up the hill, but when I got home, it was probably right at the 5/12 mark. So, a little better than predicted going up, but a little worse than predicted coming down.

Julian is a favorite of motorcyclists too, which is evident by half the parking on main street is taken up with bikes. Also going up and down main street, as well as others, is a nice carriage ride, if you want.

Say "Hi" to the horsie as they pass.

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