Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Cheeky monkeys

Working this morning. Meeting a new customer first thing. Then walking a lovely cockapoo called Lucy in the sunshine feeling happy.

Then got a text from Mr EG to say he had put his back out. Was on my way to the stables to ride so had to go home and take over kiddy care. Was really annoyed especially as injury could have been avoided by using a little common sense!! Poor sir T gets no sympathy from me!

So after a quick lunch during which a poured a whole cup of tea over myself, we all bundled into the car to take him to the drop on centre. It was packed. We waited till he saw the triage nurse who wanted someone else to have a look at him, then we left him to it as it said waiting time was 2-3 hrs. We went home to collect the dogs and Toby's bike and had a nice walk at Beacon with the pups. Played in the woods and at the park and had an ice cream. Mr EG has some pain killers and has to take it easy for a couple of days. Ha ha- not a lot of chance for that in this house!

By the time we had collected his prescription (empty chemist but still took 20 mins- how is that?!) and got home, cooked tea etc and got the kids to bed it was getting late but I was determined to finish painting the inside of the play house as Toby keeps asking when it will be finished so we can get the flooring down. Then under M's supervision we finished putting the chicken fence up so just that to paint now!

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