Queen Anne's Lace "Seed Basket" Phase

Daucus Carota Queen Anne's Lace (North America), wild carrot or Bird's Nest (UK).  A flowering plant native to temperate regions of Europe, southwest Asia and naturalized to North America and Australia. It is related to the carrot and has a long, sweet taproot. The American colonists boiled the taproots, sometimes in wine as a treat. Early Europeans cultivated Queen Anne's Lace, and the Romans ate it as a vegetable.

(Daucus Carota Sativus,, or common carrot, is the domesticated subspecies.

Queen Anne's Lace is found in fields, meadows, waste areas, roadsides and disturbed habitats. They are very hardy and thrive in a dry environment.

Sometimes it's best not to delve too deeply into things. My charming, fascinating plant is further described as an invasive, noxious weed, related to Poison Hemlock.

Tomorrow will be the last in the series, I promise!

I've spent most of the day today editing my second 365 Book. Note to Self: Try not to use so many words!

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