
By petragnom

the North American fridge

today started lazy with a lie-in; then I made my way to our rented house, but since I do not yet have a cell phone I needed to memorize how to walk from the C-train stop to the house; unfortunately I took a wrong turn right at the start and not having any internet nor phone connection I could only continue walking on hoping I would eventually find my way and so what should have been a 15-minute stroll become an hour-long walk in the midday sun; eventually I did arrive at the house which, now that the previous tenants have vacated the house and everything is cleaned, looks even bigger and more amazing; I cannot wait for the container with our stuff to arrive and to move in; and the biggest bonus will be the proper sized fridge/freezer as anyone who has visited us in Bexleyheath will know we had the smallest fridge EVER which made it very tricky to have cold beer ready

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