Whichever way you look at it ...

This if fork handles.

Entry #5 in DDW's props challenge and also appropriate because it's my birthday. Mind you, I would need a few more candles than this to celebrate the number reached today. Enough to resemble a small forest fire.

Celebrated yesterday with friends. Emberton Park. Picnic, games and good conversation all topped off with a Turkish meal in the evening. A great day and the weather gods smiled down on me. The sun shone all day and the sky didn't shed a drop of rain.

Turkish coffee. What's that all about? Looked like an espresso, tasted kind of like an espresso but with a bit of an acidic tang to it and then half way down, brown sludge. Gross. Won't be ordering that again. And don't even get me onto the subject of belly dancers. If I want someone wiggling their navel piercing in my face, I'll go to a lap dancing club. When I'm trying to eat my dinner, the only thing I want in my face is my fork!

I'm supposed to be doing a 60 minute road run today. Don't quite feel up to it right now. Must have been something I ate. Will go later, after some breakfast and I will probably run on the treadmill just in case.

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